#whynotme #yestowomendeacons
On May 20, Francis said ‘No’ to Catholic women.
When a journalist asked him « if a little girl growing up Catholic today will one day have the opportunity to be a deacon and participate as a member of the clergy in the life of the Church » he simply replied “No”.
A betrayal of the spirit of dialogue of the Synod on synodality and a profound injustice, this categorical “No” is a step backwards after 60 years of discussions. With this “No”, the Church is also turning its back on its most active members. Has Francis ever asked himself what the Church would look like if Catholic women also said “No”?
Today, women committed to the Gospel are asking themselves: WHY NOT ME ?
→ Me, someone who is an indispensable volunteer in my parish?
→ Me, who passes on the Word and the faith through catechesis, chaplaincy and scouting?
→ Me, who is a religious serving the poorest of the poor?
Let's dare to finally speak out, we women, as so many of us are already deacons by force of circumstance. We demand to be recognised at last, we demand to play a full part in the Church's decisions, we demand that the door be never closed to us anymore. The Church does not exist without us.
Why not me, Francis ?
#whynotme #yestowomendeacons
→ We, associations and groups representing believers from all over the world, today call on Pope Francis to withdraw this “No”, which amounts to a betrayal of the repeated demands of Catholics for more space for women in the Church, and to put the question of women's diaconate back on the agenda of the synod in October 2024.
→ We invite all Catholic women who want women to be deacons to take a photo of themselves with a sign bearing their name and the question « Why not me ? ».
If any men would like to support this action, they can take a photo of themselves with a « Not without women » sign.
Partner and supporting associations
Comité de la Jupe
Des femmes et un Dieu
Oh My Goddess!
D&J Arc-en-ciel
Catholic Women's Council
Women's Ordination Conference
Spirit Unbounded
Donne per la Chiesa
Collectif P.A.I.X.
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests
Root & Branch
La Revuelta de Mujeres en la Iglesia - Alicante
La Revuelta de Mujeres en la Iglesia - Valencia
Alcem la Veu - Barcelona
We Are Church International
Collectif Anastasis
L'Autre Parole
Mujeres y Teologia de Zaragoza
La Revuelta de Mujeres en la Iglesia - Murcia
Fédération des Réseaux du Parvis
Netzwerk Diakonat der Frau
Allianz Gleichwürdig Katholisch AGK
Saint-Merry Hors-les-murs
Association of US Catholic Priests
Would your association like to join us? Contact us at contact@comitedelajupe.org .
Join the campaign
We invite all Catholic women who want women to be deacons to take a photo of themselves with a sign bearing their name and the question « Why not me ? ».